Funding for Senior Care
To help make sure your loved one can receive the care they need, there are a variety of options for funding for senior care in your loved one’s home. During our care consultation with you, we’ll discuss these different options in-depth and then help you navigate the process of applying for and receiving the benefits.
Pennsylvania Waiver Services
We provide the following waiver services for clients who are eligible for home and community-based services under the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services:
Aging Waiver
Aging Home and Community-Based Waiver Services may be available to Pennsylvanians over the age of 60 to enable them to continue to live in their homes and communities with support and services.
Attendant Care/Act 150 Waiver
If you have a physical disability, the Attendant Care Waiver and state-funded Act 150 program may be available to you to continue to live in your home and community with support and services.
Obra Waiver
The OBRA Waiver is a Home and Community Based Waiver program that may help you if you have a developmental physical disability to allow you to live in the community and remain as independent as possible.
Commcare Waiver
A Home and Community-Based Services Waiver for Individuals with Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI).