Smart Home Innovations For The Elderly

 Many of the most exciting smart home innovations for seniors and elderly people have to do with mobility limitations or other sorts of disabilities that can be well served with new technology.

We often talk about this to families when we’re talking about what to do for mom or dad and how to support them in aging.

It’s an exciting time for this type of smart home progress because so many of these assistive technologies make it easier to stay in your home with different impairments or just as you age.

The Challenge of Aging

We understand as a society that certain things tend to get harder as you get older.

But new opportunities, some powered by new technology, are making it easier to meet some of these challenges over the long term and keep elderly people safe as they retain the autonomy and stability of living in their homes.

So families look to brainstorm ways to optimize their situations and help aging family members to keep their sense of agency to enjoy things about their homes like:

·        Good memories

·        Familiarity with home systems and appliances

·        Home hobbies like birdwatching

·        The companionship of a pet

All of these things are valuable to seniors in so many ways. So at River Oaks, we help families work through these situations and determine what’s best for everyone.

With that in mind, let’s talk about some of the excellent smart home innovations that we see coming on the market today.

Lights, Etc.

One of the most basic but powerful innovations is new digital controls for everything from your lights to your thermostat.

Remotely turning items on and off is great for people with mobility impairments or deficits.

We can talk more in detail about how people usually set these up as we devise a plan for your family member.

Doors and Windows

Home security is also often an issue, and smart home advances can help you here, too.

Again, it’s all about allowing less labor-intensive controls and even remote controls for people who have difficulty getting up and around.

Smart Showers

This one has enormous potential for anyone with any kind of mobility challenge. It could be a senior or a person with disabilities. The smart shower innovates the traditional shower or bath in a way that’s almost like a robotic assistant. Some people who needed a human to bathe them previously can use a smart shower setup safely and effectively!

All of this, again, is very exciting. We like to help families to think about what they can implement for their loved ones! Call us to talk about what’s best for an aging family member.