4 Signs Your Elderly Loved One Needs Help at Home

Caring for an elderly loved one can be both rewarding and challenging. As our parents or grandparents age, they may require additional assistance to ensure their safety, well-being, and overall quality of life. 

Elder care in Norristown, PA, plays a crucial role in supporting seniors who wish to age gracefully in the comfort of their own homes. Recognizing the signs that your elderly loved one needs help at home is essential for providing the necessary care and attention they deserve.

Declining Mobility and Personal Care

One of the key indicators that your elderly loved one may require extra support is a noticeable decline in their physical capabilities. Watch out for decreased mobility, such as difficulty walking, unsteady balance, or frequent falls. 

If they struggle with daily activities like bathing, dressing, or grooming, it may be a sign that they need assistance from professional caregivers specializing in elder care in Norristown, PA. Addressing these challenges proactively, you can help your loved one maintain their independence while ensuring their safety.

Memory Loss and Confusion

Cognitive decline, including memory loss and confusion, is another common concern among aging adults. If your loved one is exhibiting forgetfulness, struggling with routine tasks, or experiencing frequent episodes of disorientation, it may indicate a more serious condition such as Alzheimer’s or dementia. 

Seeking professional assistance from elder care experts in Norristown, PA, can provide the necessary support to manage these cognitive challenges effectively. The home care provider will give you peace of mind your loved one is cared for and safe while you cannot be with them. 

Neglected Household Duties and Erratic Finances

Take notice if your elderly loved one’s once well-maintained home shows neglect. Piled-up laundry, dirty dishes, or an unkempt living environment can indicate that daily chores have become overwhelming for them. 

Additionally, erratic financial habits, unpaid bills, or misplaced important documents may point to cognitive decline or difficulty managing their finances. By engaging elder care services in Norristown, PA, you can ensure that your loved one’s household tasks and financial responsibilities are well taken care of.

Finding the Right Elder Care Service

Choosing the right elder care service is a critical decision that requires careful consideration. When searching for the ideal care provider for your elderly loved one, it’s essential to prioritize their unique needs and preferences. 

Start by researching reputable eldercare services that specialize in providing personalized care for seniors. Look for agencies with a proven track record, positive reviews, and experienced caregivers. Consider factors like availability of skilled nursing care, flexibility in scheduling, and affordability.

Is It Time to Look Into Elder Care in Norristown, PA?

As our loved ones age, we are responsible for monitoring their well-being and providing the necessary support they need to thrive. Recognizing the signs that your elderly loved one requires assistance at home is crucial in ensuring their safety, happiness, and overall quality of life. 

Elder care services in Norristown, PA, are dedicated to providing personalized care solutions that address the unique needs of aging adults. By partnering with professionals specializing in elder care, you can offer your loved one the compassionate assistance they deserve, allowing them to age gracefully and comfortably in the place they call home.

Beyond Traditional Healthcare: Services Covered By Medicaid Waivers

Medicaid is a vital program that provides healthcare coverage for millions of individuals and families in need. However, traditional Medicaid may not offer sufficient coverage for specific services in some situations. 

That’s where Medicaid waivers come into play. If you’re seeking a reliable Medicaid waiver provider in Norristown, PA, this blog will shed light on the comprehensive services covered by these waivers, ensuring you have access to the care you deserve.

Understanding Medicaid Waivers

Medicaid waivers are special programs that allow states to modify and expand their Medicaid coverage to meet the unique needs of specific populations or individuals. These waivers can offer additional services beyond what traditional Medicaid covers, opening up new avenues for healthcare accessibility.

The Role of Medicaid Waiver Provider in Norristown, PA

In Norristown, PA, having a dedicated Medicaid waiver provider can make a difference. These providers work closely with individuals, families, and the local community to navigate the complexities of the Medicaid system and ensure that the waivers are utilized to their full potential. 

By collaborating with a Medicaid waiver provider in Norristown, PA, you can explore the various services available to you through these waivers.

Expanding Coverage Horizons

Medicaid waivers provide a broad range of covered services that address unique healthcare needs. Some of these services may include:

  • Personal Care Assistance: Medicaid waivers often cover in-home personal care assistance, allowing individuals to receive the support they need to maintain independence and quality of life.
  • Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS): These services encompass a diverse range of supports, such as home health aide visits, respite care, adult day care, and more. HCBS enables individuals to receive care within their homes or community rather than in institutionalized settings.
  • Behavioral Health Services: Medicaid waivers may include coverage for mental health and substance abuse treatment, counseling, and therapy services. This ensures individuals can access crucial behavioral health support to improve their well-being.
  • Assistive Technology: Waivers can also provide coverage for assistive devices and technologies, such as wheelchairs, communication devices, and hearing aids. These aids empower individuals with disabilities to lead more independent lives.

In Norristown, PA, having access to a Medicaid waiver provider can be a game-changer for individuals and families needing comprehensive healthcare services. By understanding the offerings and support available through Medicaid waivers, you can explore a vast range of covered services beyond traditional Medicaid.

Finding the Perfect Medicaid Waiver Provider in Norristown, PA

If you’re searching for a Medicaid waiver provider in Norristown, PA, contact local healthcare organizations and community resources to find the assistance you require. Remember, Medicaid waivers offer a lifeline of expanded coverage, enabling you to receive the necessary care and support tailored to your unique needs.

Medicaid waivers are essential to the healthcare system, providing crucial coverage for services beyond traditional Medicaid. Whether you need personal care assistance, home-based services, behavioral health support, or assistive technology, Medicaid waivers can help bridge the gaps in coverage. So, take advantage of these waivers and connect with a trusted Medicaid waiver provider in Norristown, PA, to unlock the full potential of your healthcare access.

Why Exercise is Extremely Important For Senior Citizens

Staying active is an essential part of staying healthy for senior citizens. Routine exercise allows you to remain active, maintain physical and mental health, and combat age-related diseases.

The risk of falls, improved balance and coordination are all bi-products of daily exercise. With the help of professional senior care in Blue Bell, PA, you can help the senior citizen in your life get more exercise.

Below are some reasons why routine exercise is so important for senior citizens.

The Importance of Maintaining a Healthy Weight

Exercising regularly is essential for senior citizens to maintain a healthy weight. Research shows that walking, running, swimming, and biking can help burn calories and stored fats.

This results in improved metabolism and increased muscle mass. 

With regular exercise, seniors can control their weight better as they age. Daily physical activities can also reduce the risk of obesity and its associated diseases.

Exercise is Great For Mental Health

Regular exercise is beneficial for seniors as it helps improve their mental well-being. Hormones called endorphins are released during exercise. They make people feel happier. It also helps reduce stress levels and tension, helps with relaxation, increases energy, and promotes better sleep.

If you want to lower the risk of developing mental health problems, such as depression and anxiety, daily exercise is a must. Regular exercise can help seniors stay mentally active and alert, vital for their well-being.

We offer senior care in Blue Bell, PA, designed to keep senior citizens happy and independent. With our help, you can get the increased activity and companionship you need.

Strengthen Bones and Muscles

Weight-bearing exercises like walking, jogging, dancing, and strength training are the best activities for strengthening bones and muscles. These activities help slow down bone loss naturally occurring with age. They can reduce the risk of osteoporosis and other bone diseases.

Daily strength training helps improve balance, flexibility, coordination, and mobility. Regular exercise strengthens seniors’ muscles, making everyday activities easier to handle. It can also reduce the risk of falls and fractures due to weakened bones or reduced balance.

Boost Energy Levels

Research indicates that physical activity increases aerobic capacity, which boosts the body’s ability to take in oxygen and use it more efficiently. This, in turn, allows seniors to perform activities with greater ease and for longer durations.

Exercising also helps reduce fatigue by increasing oxygen circulation to all body organs. It can also improve overall energy levels, which benefits seniors who may not get enough sleep or feel tired often.

Get Better Sleep

Exercising regularly can help seniors improve the quality of their sleep. Physical activity enhances the body’s circadian rhythm by regulating hormones such as melatonin, which helps promote sounder sleep.

Need Senior Care in Blue Bell, PA?

Do you or a loved one need help? If so, it’s time to use our in-home senior care in Blue Bell, PA!

6 Ways Professional In-Home Care Can Help People With Intellectual Disabilities

For people with intellectual disabilities, daily life can be a struggle. Their challenges can make living independently, performing daily tasks, and navigating social situations difficult.

Home care in Philadelphia is a vital resource for people with intellectual disabilities and their families. Professional in-home care services can provide individuals with intellectual disabilities the support and assistance they need to live safely, independently, and with dignity.

Provide a Safe and Secure Environment

A professional in-home care provider can help create a safe and secure environment for people with intellectual disabilities. This can involve modifying the home to reduce the risk of accidents and injuries, such as installing handrails or grab bars in the bathroom and removing tripping hazards.

In-home care providers can also monitor the individual’s environment to ensure it remains safe and secure. This can include regular checks for potential hazards, such as unsecured windows or doors, and addressing any concerns promptly.

Help with Daily Activities

People with intellectual disabilities may require assistance with daily activities such as bathing, dressing, grooming, and eating. Hiring home care in Philadelphia to help with these tasks is beneficial.

Doing so ensures the individual can maintain their hygiene and remain comfortable. In-home care providers can also help with meal preparation and feeding, ensuring the individual receives the proper nutrition.

Assist with Medication Management

For individuals with intellectual disabilities who require medication, managing their medications can be a challenge. Professionals assist with medication management, ensuring that medications are taken at the proper times and in the correct dosages. They can also monitor the individual’s health and alert family members or medical professionals if concerns arise.

Develop Individualized Care Plans

Every individual with an intellectual disability has unique needs and challenges. With the development of an individualized care plan, it is possible to meet the needs of a person with an intellectual disability. This can include identifying areas where the individual requires assistance, such as managing their finances and developing strategies to address these challenges.

Encourage Independence

Although people with intellectual disabilities may require assistance with certain tasks, it is important to encourage independence whenever possible. In-home care providers can help individuals with intellectual disabilities learn life skills such as cooking, cleaning, and budgeting. By providing guidance and support, in-home care providers can help individuals with intellectual disabilities gain confidence and independence.

Offer Emotional Support

People with intellectual disabilities may experience isolation, anxiety, or depression. In-home care providers can offer emotional support to help individuals cope with their disabilities. This can include providing companionship, engaging in activities together, and providing a listening ear. By offering emotional support, in-home care providers can help individuals with intellectual disabilities feel more connected to their community and improve their overall quality of life.

Is Home Care in Philadelphia Right for You and Your Family?

Professional in-home care is invaluable for people with intellectual disabilities and their families By providing these services, in-home care providers can help individuals with intellectual disabilities live with dignity, independence, and a sense of belonging within their community. 

If you or a loved one requires in-home care in Philadelphia, our team is here to help. 

5 Instrumental Activities Of Daily Living

Sometimes it helps families to know what we consult about during our free initial care consultations.

It helps set the stage for a more targeted discussion on what a senior family member needs to be assisted at home. That’s part of our proactive model as we work up plans for our families.

Our Services and “IADL”

At River Oaks, we offer a variety of home services according to what seniors need.

We have services for physical assistance, home health aide roles, and assistance with ‘homemaking and companionship,’ which you can read more about on the site.

We also have Alzheimer’s and dementia care plans, which is vital for those who suffer from the confusion and deeper care needs associated with these conditions.

Instrumental Activities of Daily Life: What Do We Mean?

We also enumerate instrumental activities of daily living to show what people need help with daily.

Here are five of these activities that we assist with.

Getting Groceries

People need to eat, and grocery runs are a normal part of life.

But it’s hard for seniors to get what they need, bring it home, and store it correctly in the house.

So we help with this type of planning and the logistics of getting the food into the home and properly put away.


Over time, seniors will have specific housekeeping needs. If they’re aging at home, they’ll likely need help with different areas of the house, including bedrooms, bathrooms and common living spaces. If they have any significant lawn, they’ll need help with that, too. They’ll also need help to evaluate appliances and make sure things keep working as they should!

Those are some components of planning around the housekeeping assistance that we offer. Let’s talk!


In addition to getting groceries, your senior needs hot meals.

Cooking can be a problem, either due to mobility impairment or other types of needs. For example, it may not be safe to have your senior family member around a hot stove.

So we help with meal planning and ensuring that someone living at home has access to the ready-to-eat food they need.


Getting around is also a common problem with seniors.

People don’t want to stop driving because they don’t know how they will get to appointments or go anywhere else they want to go.

By helping with transportation, we create a safe and practical plan for decommissioning your senior driver’s license.

Medication Reminders

Most seniors have an array of medicines that they take routinely. But sometimes, with memory loss and other problems, they can’t take the medications properly, and so various health conditions can arise.

By helping with medication reminders, we help keep seniors in better shape!

Take a look at how we work and explore funding options with Pennsylvania waiver programs and more.

Smart Home Innovations For The Elderly

 Many of the most exciting smart home innovations for seniors and elderly people have to do with mobility limitations or other sorts of disabilities that can be well served with new technology.

We often talk about this to families when we’re talking about what to do for mom or dad and how to support them in aging.

It’s an exciting time for this type of smart home progress because so many of these assistive technologies make it easier to stay in your home with different impairments or just as you age.

The Challenge of Aging

We understand as a society that certain things tend to get harder as you get older.

But new opportunities, some powered by new technology, are making it easier to meet some of these challenges over the long term and keep elderly people safe as they retain the autonomy and stability of living in their homes.

So families look to brainstorm ways to optimize their situations and help aging family members to keep their sense of agency to enjoy things about their homes like:

·        Good memories

·        Familiarity with home systems and appliances

·        Home hobbies like birdwatching

·        The companionship of a pet

All of these things are valuable to seniors in so many ways. So at River Oaks, we help families work through these situations and determine what’s best for everyone.

With that in mind, let’s talk about some of the excellent smart home innovations that we see coming on the market today.

Lights, Etc.

One of the most basic but powerful innovations is new digital controls for everything from your lights to your thermostat.

Remotely turning items on and off is great for people with mobility impairments or deficits.

We can talk more in detail about how people usually set these up as we devise a plan for your family member.

Doors and Windows

Home security is also often an issue, and smart home advances can help you here, too.

Again, it’s all about allowing less labor-intensive controls and even remote controls for people who have difficulty getting up and around.

Smart Showers

This one has enormous potential for anyone with any kind of mobility challenge. It could be a senior or a person with disabilities. The smart shower innovates the traditional shower or bath in a way that’s almost like a robotic assistant. Some people who needed a human to bathe them previously can use a smart shower setup safely and effectively!

All of this, again, is very exciting. We like to help families to think about what they can implement for their loved ones! Call us to talk about what’s best for an aging family member.

Benefits Of Respite Care

Want to know about some of the benefits of having our company deliver trained respite care to seniors in the home?


Well, first of all, it’s important to understand what respite care is, and what it represents.


When you talk about the definition of respite care, what you’re talking about is backing up and supporting a primary caregiver. That primary caregiver may have been providing care for one day, or one month, or one year or more. It’s often a member of the family, but it can just as easily be a paid support person or someone else. The key is that the respite care offers that primary person the assistance they need to take care of themselves!


Getting “You Time”


The way the people describe it in this industry, sometimes, is often with that saying about airplane safety. We always say that the flight attendants tell us that you have to put your own air mask on before helping others. Senior care can be like that, too. If you don’t have the time that you need, you’re not likely to be able to assist someone else in the best ways. That’s the idea behind respite care, which gives you the backup to be successful and effective in caring for a senior at home. 




Having respite care in place also allows the primary caregiver to go out and support their networks in the community. They might need input from one or more doctors. They might need to check on that social support network for the person who they are caring for. They might need to get information about public services or public events, etc.


No matter what their need is, the respite care will allow them to do that without worrying about what’s happening to their ward at home. Again, it’s about having a backup person so that you don’t feel the isolation and stress of being the only one in line to care for someone who may need a lot of care. 


Meals and Planning


Then there’s the practical side of planning meals and everything else, as well as planning the primary caregiver planning for themselves, too. Getting their hair done, going to their own doctor appointments, that sort of thing. It’s surprising how many times people just get inundated when they go it alone and think they can provide all of the care for a family member. When they are able to secure respite care, they never want to give it up!


Keeping Up


We know that for primary caregivers, it sometimes feels like you’re slipping backward. You might feel like you just don’t have the time you need to get everything done during the day. We understand how you feel, which is why we offer these services.


Talk to River Oaks Home Care about the support that you need for your family. 

Reasons Your Elderly Parent May Seem Angry

There is a common ageist stereotype among older adults – that they are angry. However, this stereotype isn’t actually accurate since most people’s emotions will “level out” as they age. Older adults have developed coping skills through the years that help them maintain an even keel, which helps them avoid stressing the small things. 

However, some changes in a senior’s life can create feelings of anger. Reduced mobility, giving up driving, and similar things lessen their independence. This can also threaten their self-esteem. Many seniors experience a lack of respect and ageism, too. 

Health issues can exacerbate anger, especially in cases of physical pain. The truth is people of all ages tend to be more irritable when something hurts. These frustrations can accumulate and may lead to an older person having a sudden outburst during a TV program or even overreacting when someone gets in their way at the grocery store. 

The Potential Dangers of Anger

Even though negative emotions, like anger and sadness, anger especially can be bad for you. Over time, feeling anger regularly can hurt an older adult’s health. Anger causes the body to release hormones that activate the “fight or flight” response. This increases inflammation and the risk of chronic diseases. The effect of this is even more pronounced as a person ages. 

Other research has confirmed how anger can impact your health. It’s been found that older men who feel angry often usually perceive (right or wrong) anger in other people’s faces. These seniors usually have higher blood pressure, too. The impact of this is often immediate. In fact, feeling angry has been proven to raise a person’s risk of stroke by up to 30% for up to an hour. When patients suffering from heart disease report experiencing anger within the prior week, they did worse on heart function tests than others. 

Excess anger has also been linked to the increased likelihood of dementia and impacts a senior’s relationships. This may result in an increased risk of isolation and loneliness. If a senior is angry frequently, it is important to address the issue. 

Steps to Address Anger in Seniors 

If you provide care to a senior loved one and are concerned about their anger, there are a few things you can do to help them. Start by using the following steps:

  • Schedule an appointment with their doctor
  • Learn what is causing your senior’s anger
  • Determine what stressors can be changed and which ones can’t
  • Monitor what your senior loved one watches and consumes through media
  • Engage in activities with an outlook that promotes a more positive outlook and mood
  • Consider giving their lifestyle a makeover

Helping Your Senior Loved One Deal with Anger

Unfortunately, many seniors deal with anger issues. There are multiple causes for this, but as their care provider, there are options to help them. If your senior loved one has a home health service providing care, be sure to discuss their anger with the senior care provider. They can take steps to help alleviate these feelings, too.

In-Home Care and Intellectual Disabilities

In-home care for the disabled is different than the same kinds of care for someone who is neuro- typical


We know that intuitively, and as families, we deal with that each day. As in-home care providers, we also know that having different systems in place for the disabled is important. When you read about how we care for seniors, you see evidence of that, and our consideration for the disabled as part of our philosophy and care program. 


Customizing Care


But how is it different?


For one thing, the routine care that is so central to these services is different for the disabled. Meal planning, transportation, hygiene and other typical processes look different when someone has a physical or mental disability to deal with.


Staff interactions also look different based on a person’s specific needs. And then there’s state agency approval…


So having the versatility in place to deal with this is key for businesses like ours.




We are an approved ODP provider in PA, which means that we have met all of the standards and compliance requirements for helping people with disabilities.


There is also a complex equation of state funding in play, and our people know how to navigate that bureaucratic world to serve families with disabled individuals in a better way.




When it comes to covid, PA ODP has set particular guidelines. Here’s how it is explained by the state agency:

“The Department of Human Services (DHS) recognizes that this is a frightening time for many of our DHS-licensed congregate care facilities. If used appropriately, personal protective equipment (PPE) can help protect against the spread of COVID-19. Information contained in this guidance is only for congregate care settings licensed by The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) and not for other provider types. The Pennsylvania DOH has requested that all critical needs for ODP licensed facilities are first screened by ODP to ensure that facilities are adhering to current guidance and PPE conservation strategies before forwarding to the PA DOH. The PA DOH has a very limited supply of PPE and is triaging needs daily.”

You can see how approval means following rules, and putting standards in place. Read more about our track record in Pennsylvania at the web site and ask us what we can do for your loved one. We are pleased to call ourselves a partner with Pennsylvania families, and a place where you can feel confident about care. 

Great Fall Prevention Tips For Senior Citizens

If a person is lucky enough, they get to enjoy their golden years surrounded by the people they love. When you finally reach the age where you are classified as a senior citizen, you will have some pretty important decisions to make. One of the main things you need to consider when reaching this milestone is whether you want to age in place or enter a retirement community. 

If you have chosen to age in place, you need to be mindful of the ever-present risk of slip and fall accidents. Every year, over 3 million senior citizens are treated in emergency rooms across the United States for fall-related injuries. This is why you need to work on mitigating the risk posed by slip and fall accidents. 

Here are some great fall prevention tips for senior citizens. 

Fall Prevention Starts With a Healthy Body

If you want to improve things like flexibility and balance, you need to realize the importance of exercising. When engaging in physical activities designed to strengthen your body every day, your ligaments, tendons and joints will have a higher level of flexibility. Routine exercise is also a great way to improve your reflexes. 

With these enhanced reflexes, you will be more likely to catch yourself in the event of a fall. Exercising also allows you to strengthen your bones and will reduce the risk of osteoporosis. 

Don’t Forget to Monitor Your Medications

Did you realize that taking a number of different medications increases your risk of falling? Some medications also have side effects that include dizziness, weakness and confusion. If you are currently on multiple medications, then you need to monitor how you feel. If you notice that you are experiencing extreme dizziness or confusion when taking a particular medicine, you need to speak with your doctor. They might be able to prescribe a different medication that doesn’t produce these side effects. 

Find and Remove Hazards In Your Home

The older you get, the harder it will be to see the hazards around you. If you already struggle with vision issues, then your main goal should be to remove as many hazards in your home as you can. Allowing a friend or family member to inspect your home is a great way to pinpoint where hazards are. 

Piles of clutter and small rugs are among the most common hazards you need to keep an eye out for. By reducing the number of hazards in your home, you can reduce the chance of a slip and fall accident occurring. 

Invest in Bathroom Safety Upgrades

Residential bathrooms are among the most common places for slip and fall accidents to occur. This is why you need to realize the importance of investing in things like bars in your shower and a slip-resistant bath mat. With these safety upgrades, you can reduce the chances that a fall will occur in your bathroom. 

As you can see, avoiding slip and fall accidents is not an easy task. However, if you implement the tips in this article, you can prevent falls from occurring.